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A new version of VICE (Versatile Commodore Emulator) is now available: Android, Windows RT and Sortix version. SCPU64 and KoalaPad emulation. New or improved: DAC based audio devices, tape, light pen, Commodore 1520, 1540, keyrah, RS232 net, IDE64 v4.2, RGCD, Final Cartridge III+, rrnet mk3, easy calc result, GMod2, MMC64, MMCReplay, RetroReplay, RRNET, MP3@64, joy-port, user-port, Swiss ROM, CP/M (Z80), UltiMem, BehrBonz, VFLI, PET HRE, Kipper Basic, Basic on Bails, The Tool 64, Eve Basic, RSID BASIC, CG-SIDplayer and psid.
2016-12-30 - 13:18:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 5177 - Category: Commodore, Emulator
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