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The web page has many high quality scans available for the Commodore user. The latest additions are: The Working Commodore 64, Proposed solutions to BASIC garbage collection, Monteringsvejledning for BASIC 4,0 (CBM3032), Commodore PET 2001 Operating System Version 4.0 assembly listing, ALFADATA RA5 RAM Card User's Manual, ANCONA High Resolution Monitor BW 861/10G and BW 861/10W, Commodore 64 Exposed, Amiga Computing Issue 49 extra - SuperBase Personal, Abacus AmigaDOS Quick Reference, Amiga Game Maker's Manual with AMOS Basic and PET BASIC 4.0 ROM assembly listing.
2017-02-03 - 13:13:00 - Week: 5 - Item number: 5251 - Category: Commodore, Web page
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