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Nowe gry są: Jackie-Plus (Jacky-Plus), Kniffel (FBS), Minesweeper 64 (Rainbow 2015), Multi-Crown (FBS), Pacman (FBS), Pacman II (FBS), Romulus, Sqij, Tetris (576 Kbyte 1993), Tetris (FBS), The Pyramid (Atlas Adventure Software), They (Eway 10 Software 2007), Urban Warrior, Venus-Hit (FBS), World Championship Boxing Manager, World Conquest, World Conquest (Digital Monastery 2016), World Dominance i Worron.
2016-08-26 - 13:03:00 - Tydzień: 34 - Numer wpisu: 4949 - Kategoria: C64, Gra
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