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Die Webseite hat neue Enden von Spielen des Commodore C64 hinzugefügt. Die neusten Hinzufügungen sind: Grayhawk (TND Games), Necromancer (Synapse Software), Neuronics (Thalion), Olypic Skier (Mr. Chip Software), Pixel City Skater (Digital Monastery), Prison Riot, (Players), Para Assault Course (Zeppelin Games), Pulse Warrior (Mastertronic), Psych Soldier (Imagine Software), Quest for the Holy Grail (Mastertronic), Radax (Firebird / CP Verlag), Raid 2000 (Mirrorsoft), Starforce Fighter (Mastertronic), Shadow Skimmer (The Edge), Spike's Peak (HesWare), Skatin' USA (Atlantis Software), Shell Shock (Beyond Belief), Shaolin (Psytronik Games), Shanghai Warriors (Players) und Schizofrenia (Quicksilva).
2015-08-07 - 17:04:00 - Woche: 32 - Artikelnummer: 4251 - Kategorie: C64, Spiel
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