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Return magazine is a German print magazine about the 8-bit computers from A (Atari) to Z (ZX Spectrum). In this edition: 20 Years PlayStation, Dynamite Headdy (Mega Drive), Donkey Kong Junior (C64), Tim Wright (CoLD SToRAGE), AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition, RGCD 16K (C64), Lindwendture (C64), Einhänder (PlayStation), Sys Check II (Atari XL), Tiger Heli, Gamescom 2014, Remix: Fist II - The Legend Continues, Crossover: Street Fighter II, Pixelkunst: Art Design and much more.
2015-05-22 - 17:04:00 - Week: 21 - Item number: 4107 - Category: Commodore, Magazine
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