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You can listen to new remixes on the AmigaRemix web page. In the last weeks they added the following Amiga music: Shadow of the Beast - Underwater Level, Battle Squadron (Peace For My 64), Apidya (High speed mix), Infestation (Kal Solar Remix), Nuke's Groovy, Xenon - The Real ExaBlast (Remastered), Giana Sisters Intro Remix, Crystal Hammer (Mulperi Remix), Yo! Joe! (Level One), Audiophobe, Arcane, A Prehistoric Tale, Elvira Frozen Earth (melancholy "cold" tribute), Pump That Pussy Remix, Desert Dreams (Hidden part), Jim Power Level 1 and Projectyle - Vectors.
2014-05-09 - 17:16:00 - Week: 19 - Item number: 3478 - Category: Amiga, Music
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