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Een nieuwe editie van het Engelse pdf, text, seq, d64, html en Ebook magazine is nu beschikbaar. In deze editie het volgende: Voorwoord, Cover Tape #11, Vince Clarke, Arcade Evolution joysticks, Borderline BBS, Revival Studios, USB joystick adapter, Commodore LCD emulator, Phase Out, Demo coding, 8 Bit chord tables, PETSCII editor, Reset #2, C&A Games #8, SID-Wizard, GPS view, Crazy Dog Racing, Realms of Quest IV, Flash memory expansion, Moldi's treasure, Text resizer, Paddle Shooter, X500, Morgue Soft, Micro Hexagon, ViColumn, Android 2, Double Or Nothing, The Frog en The assembly line #1.
2014-03-21 - 17:22:00 - Week: 12 - Item nummer: 3388 - Categorie: Commodore, Magazine
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