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The Polish magazine Commodore and Amiga Fan released another games edition. In this pdf magazine the following articles: News, Downfall, The hits of the C64 in comparison with the Amiga, Night Raid, Golden Axe, Rush, Sgt. Helmet Zero, Inception multi-port joystick, Balloon Rescue, Dodo’s Deep Doo-Doo, Ścigałki C64, Battle Throne, Paths of Secrets - We made too late, Atari vs Commodore games, Atari and Sherlock Holmes, Kupiec, Frogger, Memories of Thomas Musielak's game coach, Crazy Dog Racing and my struggles with Bomberland.
2014-02-14 - 17:06:00 - Week: 7 - Item number: 3320 - Category: Commodore, Magazine
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