You can listen to new remixes on the AmigaRemix web page. In the last weeks they added the following Amiga music: Jesus On E's - The Audio Remake, Battle Squadron (Syntax Error Stockholm Tribute), Harlequin - Coming To Chimerica, The Pawn (Twilight Remix), Turrican 2 - Freedom, Turrican 2 (Remix D3M0), Pat Strikes Back, Unit A F18 Interceptor Crack Tune, Shadow of the Beast III - On the run, Cybrenoid II - Epic RMX, Another World - Tribute Remix, Xenon 2 Megablast - Vintage Remix and The First Samurai - Echoes RMX.
2013-11-15 - 17:24:00 - Week: 46 - Item number: 3150 - Category: Amiga, Music